Build A Custom Chatbot Using Python (Custom Knowledge Base)

Introduction & What We Will Be Building

In this guide, we will build a custom chatbot using Python. By custom chatbot, we mean that the chatbot will answer questions on the basis of a given knowledge base. If it cannot answer the questions based on the given knowledge base, it will simply answer: “I don’t know”. We will be leveraging OpenAI’s Chat GPT in order to execute this project.

OpenAI’s Chat GPT is a great model. But, you are limited by prompt size (number of words that make up the question). And also, the pricing of ChatGPT is based on question-and-answer sizes.

pricing of open ai is based on tokens which we will use to create a custom chatbotAs you can see in the above screenshot since everything is about the number of words, in order to make things efficient, we will need to ask ChatGPT the question using the least number of words possible. But, yet, we should be able to do this with a very large knowledge base.

This guide is all about how you can accomplish this.

A Live Demo Of The Chatbot – Wisdom Bot

So, what is Wisdom Bot?

Basically, we have a collection of thousands of Quotes from wise people from all over the internet and books. Then based on the question that the user asks, we find relevant quotes. These quotes make up our knowledge base.

Then, based on the quotes that surfaced we ask Chat GPT to summarize the “wisdom” in its own words. The hope is that we provide the distilled wisdom of all the greats in the form of a single helpful paragraph on the subject.

Have a look at the video below to see what this all looks like:

The Broad Plan

So, here is the board plan (the steps don’t have to make complete sense right now, but they will soon enough):

  1. We break the entire knowledge base up into little chunks. Since our knowledge base is a massive database of quotes from wise people, each chunk will be a quote.
  2. We take each chunk and store it in a “vector database” after turning each quote into a vector. We are doing this because later in the process we need to find all the similar quotes to the user’s query. Vector databases help us do all this effortlessly. Here we are going to use a cloud-hosted vector DB called Pinecone. (It has a free plan that allows you to play with all of this)
  3. Next, we take the user’s question and turn that also into a vector. We are doing this, because can ask the vector DB to bring back similar quotes to the question.
  4. We take all the quotes that are similar to the user’s question and create a “prompt” for ChatGPT. We ask it to summarize all the “wisdom” from the quotes that we got back.

You might find that there are a lot of new concepts and ideas introduced above. But, don’t worry, they will all make sense very soon.

Indexing The Knowledge Base & Storing It In A Vector Database

Our Knowledge Source

I found a large collection of quotes on Kaggle.

This is what we are going to use as our knowledge base. The good thing is that it’s in the form of a massive JSON file. It’s just an array of quotes something like:

  "Quote": "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.",
  "Author": "Dr. Seuss",
  "Tags": [
    "smiling "
  "Popularity": 0.15566615566615566,
  "Category": "life"

What Is A Vector Database? What is a Vector? What are “Vector Embeddings”?

I have collected some videos from YouTube for helping you understand this. A “visual” explanation will help make things clear fast.

and, also check out…

So, let me summarize with a quote from this article: Meet AI’s multitool: Vector embeddings from the Google Cloud Blog.

Embeddings are a way of representing data–almost any kind of data, like text, images, videos, users, music, whatever–as points in space where the locations of those points in space are semantically meaningful.

Converting The Knowledge Base Into Vectors

Okay, so, now that we know what vector embeddings are, the next question is, how to convert our quotes into vector embeddings.

In order to do that, we are going to use the sentence-transformers library from Hugging Face. Here is a link to the official docs.

So, in order to install the library you have to do something like:

> pip install -U sentence-transformers

And then you can use the library in a script like:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util

input_sentence = "That is a happy person."

sentences_to_compare = [
    "That is a happy dog",
    "That is a very happy person",
    "She is sad and lonely. Especially after her cat died.",
    "Pharrell Williams wrote the song 'Happy' in 2014",
    "Delhi is the capital of India",

model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

input_embedding = model.encode(input_sentence)

print("Input Sentence:", input_sentence, "\n")

# Next we loop over all the sentences we want to compare 
# and print the similarity between the input sentence and 
# the sentence we are comparing it to.
for sentence in sentences_to_compare:
    sentence_embedding = model.encode(sentence)
    similarity_tensor = util.pytorch_cos_sim(input_embedding, sentence_embedding)[0][0]
    similarity_value = similarity_tensor.item()
    print("Sentence:", sentence)
    print("Similarity:", similarity_value)

In the above script, we are using the model named: all-MiniLM-L6-v2

If you run the above script, you will get a response like:

Input Sentence: That is a happy person. 

Sentence: That is a happy dog
Similarity: 0.671120285987854
Sentence: That is a very happy person
Similarity: 0.9342775940895081
Sentence: She is sad and lonely. Especially after her cat died.
Similarity: 0.2835640013217926
Sentence: Pharrell Williams wrote the song 'Happy' in 2014
Similarity: 0.3601309061050415
Sentence: Delhi is the capital of India
Similarity: 0.007062782533466816

As you can see the “similarity” number is high when the sentence is like the original sentence. And it’s low when the sentence is different. The model does make mistakes too. (I added the sentence about the song “Happy” to show that.) But still, it’s pretty decent. It surely looked at the last sentence and noticed that it is completely different from the others.

Note: The first time you run this, you might notice that the model takes some time to download. But that does not happen next time you run it. It’s just a one-time thing.

Another thing to note about the embeddings is that they are in the form of arrays that are 384 elements long. You can inspect the array by running something like:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util

sentence = "That is a happy person."
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')
embedding = model.encode(sentence)

print("Length Of The Vector:", len(embedding))
print("Vector:", embedding)

When you run the above script, you will get something like:

Length Of The Vector: 384

Vector: [-2.46720240e-02  8.61168057e-02  4.57021147e-02 -4.09682579e-02
 -6.84659779e-02 -7.66141200e-03  1.18745767e-01 -8.63582268e-03
  3.67808677e-02 -1.06625259e-02  8.19263831e-02 -4.80930554e-03
 -1.19793769e-02 -1.00510260e-02  2.45560128e-02  2.30727140e-02
 -6.91623241e-02 -5.53910844e-02  3.22435275e-02  1.60760200e-03
 -7.78550059e-02 -7.77970860e-03 -4.07488365e-03  1.37812346e-02
  3.83134466e-03 -1.71690937e-02  3.16330455e-02 -7.38037284e-04
  6.19726591e-02  6.10892773e-02 -3.32377814e-02 -2.52756327e-02
  9.37762111e-02  2.06878968e-02 -3.24028656e-02  3.10536362e-02
 -2.46816631e-02  1.35345971e-02 -1.00918012e-02  2.36975066e-02
 -9.18709673e-03  2.17065495e-02  6.77749701e-03  2.47748215e-02
 -1.86500996e-02 -4.49814014e-02  6.29933551e-02 -2.55798511e-02
  8.76966417e-02 -3.07950340e-02 -1.20663848e-02  4.39662598e-02
 -5.97078018e-02 -7.29687586e-02  7.14917630e-02  5.20428605e-02
  1.00254148e-01 -2.43245140e-02  3.77747826e-02  6.29629046e-02
  2.11970154e-02  7.01688826e-02 -5.49402237e-02  8.24060917e-05
  5.65452501e-02  1.18269827e-02 -3.87434699e-02 -3.22240181e-02
 -1.89375002e-02 -1.02068372e-02 -4.06253226e-02  4.63818945e-02
  7.90664405e-02  7.96727464e-03 -1.78388264e-02 -2.79942751e-02
  4.97788303e-02  4.17374074e-02 -2.57583172e-03  1.18747436e-01
  5.00707477e-02 -8.46506581e-02  3.41651542e-03 -4.55199182e-02
 -1.98047683e-02 -2.80259382e-02 -7.09016714e-03 -2.53995024e-02
 -8.73575686e-04  6.68466964e-04 -5.37528209e-02 -5.45573467e-03
  5.10725901e-02 -5.68201803e-02 -7.56285116e-02 -6.81172609e-02
 -6.01926595e-02  1.66541226e-02 -6.97019398e-02  5.28640151e-02
 -3.15990075e-02  2.70118825e-02  6.91894293e-02  3.89907807e-02
  2.59317458e-02  3.61612029e-02 -4.51193824e-02  4.85728867e-02
  1.30623095e-02 -7.77506381e-02 -7.20117018e-02 -1.97788682e-02
  4.79546040e-02  3.84162217e-02  2.95297876e-02  6.85002059e-02
 -1.00446440e-01  5.86183853e-02  2.03515347e-02 -4.56160270e-02
  2.58496739e-02  3.51988710e-02  6.07746914e-02  3.31665948e-02
  1.01267640e-02 -8.02919716e-02  2.76818778e-02 -7.61296794e-33
  8.64675175e-03  4.12631184e-02  5.49233183e-02  5.05420030e-04
 -1.53608527e-03  3.26667354e-02 -5.71187548e-02 -5.83009832e-02
 -3.72897014e-02  1.56709068e-02 -1.44537792e-01 -2.17781942e-02
 -8.87899101e-02 -2.93913838e-02 -7.70181566e-02 -4.08902168e-02
 -6.91767633e-02  3.31365056e-02 -6.48183748e-02  4.33204025e-02
 -6.24118932e-02 -2.08823532e-02  3.80173475e-02 -1.31444074e-02
 -8.77470057e-03  6.37468242e-04  1.04280062e-01 -1.76669452e-02
  4.22190912e-02 -1.05489034e-03 -9.12069082e-02  5.35855144e-02
  3.51020359e-02 -5.98102026e-02 -4.18799371e-02 -1.18005753e-01
 -1.23558715e-02 -5.46073578e-02 -6.66720122e-02 -1.71420760e-02
 -2.89418958e-02  3.53698060e-02  3.42779979e-03  6.78499341e-02
 -6.93865865e-02  3.12773064e-02  5.48955426e-02 -3.69304419e-03
  5.98255917e-02 -4.72623780e-02  3.08180284e-02 -3.50813270e-02
  6.77209124e-02 -7.12634623e-02 -3.98674235e-02 -4.70543317e-02
  5.69201112e-02  3.03146429e-02  6.68351129e-02  3.61000821e-02
 -6.00113347e-03  3.18250209e-02 -1.21381260e-01 -1.28578888e-02
  3.69424745e-02  3.87968197e-02  2.92852800e-02  1.54049713e-02
  6.07613511e-02  4.13324125e-02  4.94139716e-02  6.69576898e-02
  5.47784306e-02 -5.14714383e-02 -1.02930076e-01  1.76078584e-02
 -1.61633193e-02 -7.54488185e-02 -3.15386336e-03 -1.29731763e-02
  7.22425133e-02 -1.51209412e-02 -1.37219662e-02 -1.85537674e-02
  2.41122209e-02 -1.00316098e-02 -1.71473101e-02 -5.80143146e-02
 -8.99287462e-02  6.33649305e-02  1.15514420e-01  1.77180395e-02
  6.21020012e-02 -1.70754157e-02 -6.34599384e-03  5.32048727e-33
  2.11590435e-02  1.71505846e-02 -2.87544690e-02  5.75419404e-02
  1.62429791e-02 -1.92669444e-02 -2.76364498e-02  7.09576383e-02
 -8.90385211e-02  9.32738483e-02  1.10832401e-01 -4.52367216e-02
  9.41417068e-02  2.91315038e-02  9.09692142e-03  4.75034341e-02
  3.39463949e-02  1.81509983e-02 -1.09885251e-02  4.03245501e-02
 -3.28887887e-02  1.12904027e-01 -2.82317083e-02  6.47905320e-02
 -3.08069158e-02  5.25683165e-02  6.18184209e-02 -8.52767229e-02
 -5.27298935e-02 -4.34465557e-02 -1.92130022e-02  3.57361138e-02
 -7.64198527e-02 -1.43524483e-01  3.52843814e-02 -2.08135974e-02
  2.43109278e-02  4.33928743e-02 -2.91502383e-02 -1.04186721e-02
  2.40339134e-02  2.00014357e-02  3.01263481e-02  3.89626436e-02
  5.74229565e-03  1.95347387e-02  8.24517235e-02 -5.96813187e-02
  1.77431609e-02  9.75705385e-02 -4.40084822e-02 -3.62145379e-02
  2.45158412e-02  5.30302487e-02  1.69978011e-02 -2.45407317e-02
  1.72837789e-03 -7.81385079e-02  5.21761924e-02 -6.37797490e-02
 -1.23364270e-01 -5.13468310e-03  4.37647849e-02  3.83304693e-02
  4.66830470e-02 -3.49097922e-02 -9.71097201e-02 -5.60870999e-03
 -5.49964532e-02  1.71237420e-02  7.84234032e-02 -6.95970133e-02
 -6.35316372e-02  4.50071041e-03 -1.18954359e-02 -5.62967584e-02
  3.74892424e-03 -5.25021087e-03  7.17931092e-02 -5.74724786e-02
 -5.48331998e-02 -4.32234863e-03  6.39331192e-02  4.20721658e-02
 -1.35933105e-02 -6.50977716e-02 -3.42731550e-03 -4.04644012e-02
  8.28365679e-04  5.05046993e-02  3.36399898e-02  1.57138519e-02
 -3.89398634e-02 -3.00349165e-02 -1.16703063e-02 -1.95086454e-08
 -2.49570236e-02 -5.38664497e-02 -7.28454068e-02 -7.39433989e-02
  4.41159979e-02  2.32290085e-02  1.01542197e-01 -8.27160329e-02
 -3.71212400e-02  5.08565716e-02  3.76091860e-02  5.65130748e-02
  9.05696675e-03 -5.14653251e-02  2.75405906e-02 -5.43971593e-03
  1.17480658e-01 -1.46246990e-02 -1.25490678e-02  9.19553190e-02
  7.86352083e-02  2.07750872e-03  3.11274976e-02  9.44895819e-02
 -7.27683902e-02  3.50676687e-03 -7.61597008e-02 -3.98025401e-02
 -4.48514558e-02  3.95999439e-02  1.55153703e-02 -4.16716095e-03
 -3.80127914e-02  9.61000752e-03  1.03350855e-01  7.62674287e-02
  1.24495178e-02 -2.60304958e-02  3.90044004e-02  9.18273181e-02
 -6.38172850e-02  6.21212013e-02 -7.44379461e-02  8.65186751e-02
 -3.80681083e-02 -3.03872973e-02  3.93028818e-02 -5.21965101e-02
 -1.87056083e-02  3.73292305e-02  7.71731585e-02  6.29260996e-03
 -3.28463279e-02  8.04478377e-02 -3.20375860e-02 -1.11916132e-01
  4.59426753e-02  1.29644442e-02 -4.61628065e-02 -5.43179875e-03
 -2.20686086e-02 -2.13993490e-02 -2.96242088e-02  3.77730653e-02]

So, once the sentence is converted into a vector, how do we find which ones are similar exactly? Cosine Similarity!!

If we are comparing 2 vectors and we want to know how similar they are, we can do that very fast using something called “cosine similarity”.  Below is a nice video that explains this topic in some detail:

Things in the video have been simplified quite a bit. But, the same math and principles are used in our vectors above.

The “util” module used in the above script provides a quick and easy way to find similarities using the above-explained method. Below I am putting a part of the script again for the sake of clarity:

for sentence in sentences_to_compare:
    sentence_embedding = model.encode(sentence)
    # Below is where we do the actual comparison using the cosine 
    # similarity function from the sentence_transformers library.
    similarity_tensor = util.pytorch_cos_sim(input_embedding, sentence_embedding)[0][0]
    similarity_value = similarity_tensor.item()
    print("Sentence:", sentence)
    print("Similarity:", similarity_value)

Note That: The above code is just for demonstration. In order to find the quotes that are similar to our question, in the real project, we are going to make use of the Vector Database Pinecone. It is going to handle the storing of the data and the querying of the data based on cosine similarity.

Storing The Vectors In A Vector Database (Pinecone)

With all the groundwork done, we are ready to take all of our vectors and start to store them in the vector database PineCone.

Before we run any code, we will need to do the following steps:

  1. Create a free Pinecone account. (As of writing this article, they say that demand is extremely high and access to the free plan is waitlisted. But, I got accepted and got access to Pinecone a few minutes after I made the account. This might change)
  2. After you create a free account you will need to create a new “index”. (See the screenshot below)
  3. You will need to create an API key from the “API Keys” section. (See the screenshot below)
  4. Once you create the index, you will be ready to run code similar to the code shown below to store the quotes in the DB.

Once you log in to your new Pinecone account, you should be able to “point and click” and create a new index. The vector size of 384 is based on the model we have used above for converting sentences into vector

creating an index in pinecone in order to store the vectors
Now, in order to programmatically put things into this database, you will need to create an API key:

create an API key in order to programmatically insert data into the database
Next, you need to install the Pinecone library:

> pip install pinecone-client

Once you have your API key and you have created your index, you will be ready to run a script similar to the script below…

import json

# Import the SentenceTransformer model
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# Import Pinecone
import pinecone
import hashlib

# Initialize Pinecone and connect to the "quotes" index
pinecone.init(api_key="PUT-YOUR-PINE-CODE-API-KEY-HERE", environment="us-west4-gcp")
index = pinecone.Index("NAME-OF-THE-INDEX-YOU-CREATED")

# Set up the model
model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

# Read the quotes from the JSON file
file = open('quotes.json', 'r')
file_contents_json =

# Parse the JSON file
contents_array = json.loads(file_contents_json)

# Loop over the quotes and add them to the index
for quote in contents_array:
    # Extract the quote & author
    the_quote = quote['Quote']
    author = quote['Author']
    # Generate an MD5 hash of the quote
    # This will be used as the unique ID for the quote
    # in the Pinecone index
    md5_hash = hashlib.md5(the_quote.encode()).hexdigest()

    # Encode the quote using the model
    embedding = model.encode(the_quote)
    embedding_as_list = embedding.tolist()

    # Prepare the tuple for upserting into the index
    # Look at the link to the pinecone docs
    # The last parameter is a dictionary of metadata
    # that you can use to store additional information
    # about the vector. In this case, we are storing
    # the quote and the author.
    tuple_for_upsert = (
            "quote": the_quote + " - By " + author
    # Upsert the quote into the index

Here are the official docs for the “upsert” method being used in the above code.

Somethings to note about the above code:

  1. We are converting the quote into an MD5 hash just so that we get a unique ID for each quote. Pinecone needs this.
  2. We have to convert the embedding into a Python list or array because that is the format that the Pinecone library needs.
  3. In the tuple we are providing the pinecone library, the last parameter we are providing is a dictionary where we store the quote and the author in its original form. We will be using this later.

Retrieving The Most Relevant Pieces Of Information From The Knowledge Base Based On The User’s Query

Once the data has gone into our vector database, we are ready to query it. Below is a script that shows how this is done. It’s well commented and should be easy to follow. The only interesting part is that we use the “query” method on the index. The official docs about the same can be found here.

Here is the code…

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import pinecone

# User input
question = "What is the meaning of life?"

# Connecting to Pinecone
    api_key="YOUR-API-KEY", environment="YOU-REGION"
index = pinecone.Index("YOUR-INDEX-NAME")

# Encoding the user input
model = SentenceTransformer("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
sentence_embedding = model.encode(question)

# Querying data from Pinecone
# Official docs:
results = index.query(

matches = results["matches"]
quotes = []
for match in matches:
    the_quote = match["metadata"]["quote"]
    print(the_quote + "\n")

Note that: In order to make the query, we take the user’s input and embed that too in the form of a vector using the same model. Then we use that vector to find other similar vectors.

So, for the question: “What is the meaning of life?” we get the following quotes back from our vector database:

  • Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. – By Joseph Campbell
  • The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. – By Michael Jackson
  • The meaning of life is that it stops. – By Franz Kafka
  • The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. – By Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter. – By Charles Lindbergh
  • Sixty-four thousand dollars for a question, I hope they are asking you the meaning of life. – By Paul Scofield
  • For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. – By Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. – By Henry Miller
  • We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives. – By Toni Morrison
  • The purpose of our lives is to be happy. – By Dalai Lama

Note On Limting Number Of Responses We Get Back & Prompt Size: In your use case you might find that you don’t need to return the 10 most relevant pieces of information from the DB. Maybe you just need 3. In that case, you can change the “top_k” parameter when making the query to just 3. This is important because, in the next step, we are going to send all this information back to ChatGPT. And ChatGPT pricing is based on the number of tokens or words. So, the fewer words in the “prompt” the better.

Now we are ready to ask ChatGPT to summarize all this and answer the user’s question based on this.

Creating A Prompt Combining The Users Query And The Information Retrieved From The Knowledge Base

So, at this point, we just need to ask ChatGPT to respond. Let’s create a prompt and just use the regular ChatGPT interface to test things out:

Create a prompt based on the knowledge base and ask ChatGPT to generate a responseSo, I generated the following prompt:

Below are some quotes from some wise people. Answer the question: "What is the meaning of life?" based on the below quotes. 

Make sure to follow the following rules when answering the question:
- Summarize what they are saying in your own words in a single short paragraph.
- You do not need to mention the authors names. Just summarize their ideas.
- Do NOT use any ideas other than the quotes.
- If the question cannot be answered based on the quotes, then say, "I dont know how to help you sorry."

The Quotes: 

Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer. - By Joseph Campbell

The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. - By Michael Jackson

The meaning of life is that it stops. - By Franz Kafka

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. - By Eleanor Roosevelt

Life is a culmination of the past, an awareness of the present, an indication of a future beyond knowledge, the quality that gives a touch of divinity to matter. - By Charles Lindbergh

Sixty-four thousand dollars for a question, I hope they are asking you the meaning of life. - By Paul Scofield

For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer. - By Arnold Schwarzenegger

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware. - By Henry Miller

We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives. - By Toni Morrison

The purpose of our lives is to be happy. - By Dalai Lama

Somethings to notice about the prompt:

  1. It starts with some clear instructions to ChatGPT asking it to answer the questions based on the given quote and not “hallucinate” anything.
  2. The question and the quotes are part of this “prompt template”. But, they are dynamic and can be replaced based on what the user types and the results we get from the vector database.

In response to the above prompt, ChatGPT responded with:

Life has no inherent meaning, but rather we create meaning by living and experiencing it. The meaning of life can be found in everything around us, in all the forms and phenomena that exist in creation. Life is transient, and it is this very transience that gives it its significance. The purpose of life is to live it fully, to experience it in its entirety, to constantly seek out new and richer experiences, and to move forward and conquer. Being aware, joyous, serene, and drunk with the beauty of existence is the ultimate goal. Happiness is the ultimate aim of our lives, and language may be the measure of our existence.

So, that is the basic idea. We create prompt templates and mix in the user’s query and the data from the vector DB and we are able to ask ChatGPT all sorts of questions about our knowledgebase.

Generating A Response To The Prompt Using Chat GPT

After you install the OpenAI library using:

$ pip install openai

We are ready to run a Python script to generate a prompt and programmatically get a response from OpenAI.

Here is the script below. Its well commented so it should be quite clear what is going on:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import pinecone
# Import OpenAI
import openai

# The question we want to answer
question = "How to not be worried about the future?"

# Connect to Pinecone
    api_key="PINE-CONE-KEY", environment="us-west4-gcp"
index = pinecone.Index("quotes")

# Connect to OpenApi
file = open("api_key.txt", "r")
openai.api_key =

# Embedding the question
model = SentenceTransformer("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
sentence_embedding = model.encode(question)

# Querying data from Pinecone
results = index.query(

# Loop through the results and get the quotes
matches = results["matches"]
quotes = []
for match in matches:
    the_quote = match["metadata"]["quote"]

the_prompt = '''\
Below are some quotes from some wise people. Answer the question: "{}" based on the below quotes. 

Make sure to follow the following rules when answering the question:
- Summarize what they are saying in your own words in a single short paragraph.
- You do not need to mention the authors names. Just summarize their ideas.
- Do NOT use any ideas other than the quotes.
- If the question cannot be answered based on the quotes, then say, "I dont know how to help you sorry."

The Quotes: 


'''.format(question, "\n\n".join(quotes))

# We will use the Davinci engine for this task
model_name = "text-davinci-002"

# Generate the answer using OpenAI
# The temperature parameter is used to control the randomness of predictions
# The higher the temperature, the more random the predictions
# The lower the temperature, the more expected the predictions
# So we set the temperature to 0.3 to get more expected results
# The n parameter is used to control the number of results to return
# The max_tokens parameter is used to control the length of the results
response = openai.Completion.create(

generated_text = response.choices[0].text.strip()
print(question + "\n")

Here is a link to the official docs.

Note about model selection: I have used the model: text-davinci-002 above. But you can try to switch the model for a more or less powerful model as needed in your case. All the models have different prices. So, it is recommended that you start with the most powerful model and then downgrade until you find a model that still does your task well.


There you have it. This is a pretty simple example of a custom chatbot in Python. But, it should help you clearly understand the idea. The key to the whole idea is a vector database and querying it to surface the relevant ideas from the knowledge base. Then finally make a prompt and get a response.